Herramientas e insumos Mechanic

57 productos

Mostrando 1 - 48 de 57 productos
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Desarmador-Mechanic-MAX8-Y-0.6-guatemala Desarmador Mechanic MAX8 Y 0.6
Solo quedan 3 unidades
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Flux de Resina X9 (Mechanic)
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Entrega en 7 dias {# Product has the "backorder" tag, so hide the product level #}
Alambre de soldar sin plomo 0.4MM (Mechanic)
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Entrega en 7 dias {# Product has the "backorder" tag, so hide the product level #}
Fluido de soldadura para CPU No.226 10cc (Mechanic)
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Entrega en 7 dias {# Product has the "backorder" tag, so hide the product level #}
Hilo de soldadura sin plomo Mechanic de 0.5MM
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Entrega en 7 dias {# Product has the "backorder" tag, so hide the product level #} Precio Mayorista
Pasta de soldadura premium de baja temperatura (Reballing) (Mechanic)
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Entrega en 7 dias {# Product has the "backorder" tag, so hide the product level #} Precio Mayorista
Pasta para soldadura con punto de fusion de 183 grados Marca Mechanic XG-Z40
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Entrega en 7 dias {# Product has the "backorder" tag, so hide the product level #} Precio Mayorista
Pasta para soldadura sin plomo 40G Marca Mechanic V40-CS305
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Entrega en 7 dias {# Product has the "backorder" tag, so hide the product level #} Precio Mayorista
Estano con nucleo de flux de 0.8mm Marca Mechanic
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Entrega en 7 dias {# Product has the "backorder" tag, so hide the product level #} Precio Mayorista
Pasta de soldadura de baja temperatura (148 grados) - iSoldering Marca Mechanic
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Entrega en 7 dias {# Product has the "backorder" tag, so hide the product level #} Precio Mayorista
Pasta de soldadura UV559 100g Marca Mechanic
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Entrega en 7 dias {# Product has the "backorder" tag, so hide the product level #} Precio Mayorista
Mascara azul para soldadura Marca Mechanic 10ml
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Camara para microscopio Marca Mechanic DX-340 (1080p / 60fps / 2300W)
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Entrega en 7 dias {# Product has the "backorder" tag, so hide the product level #}
Limpiador de punta de cautin marca Mechanic S3 8G
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Entrega en 7 dias {# Product has the "backorder" tag, so hide the product level #} Precio Mayorista
Mascara UV para soldadura marca Mechanic - Color Negro 10ml
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Entrega en 7 dias {# Product has the "backorder" tag, so hide the product level #}
Mascara UV para soldadura color rojo marca Mechanic
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Entrega en 7 dias {# Product has the "backorder" tag, so hide the product level #} Precio Mayorista
Liquido para remover pegamento fuerte BGA-IC S-60 (Mechanic)
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Entrega en 7 dias {# Product has the "backorder" tag, so hide the product level #} Precio Mayorista
Cable de arranque iBoot AD Power Pro para Android Serie General (Mechanic)
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Entrega en 7 dias {# Product has the "backorder" tag, so hide the product level #} Precio Mayorista
Alambre para soldadura de baja temperatura iSoldering (138 grados) marca Mechanic
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Estacion de soldadura inteligente Mechanic T12 Pro control de temperatura antiestatica 110V-220V conector US
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Pasta termica de silicon-  Mechanic - TP65
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Entrega en 7 dias {# Product has the "backorder" tag, so hide the product level #}
Removedor de glass trasero para iPhones Marca Mechanic 5111 (20ml)
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Entrega en 7 dias {# Product has the "backorder" tag, so hide the product level #}
Kit de Stencil del iPhone 6 al iPhone 13 Pro Max - Mechanic
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Entrega en 7 dias {# Product has the "backorder" tag, so hide the product level #} Precio Mayorista
Pasta Flux UV223 Marca Mechanic
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Pegamento Mechanic T9000
Solo quedan 5 unidades
Entrega en 7 dias {# Product has the "backorder" tag, so hide the product level #}
Puntas de repuesto para Medidor de resistencia y voltaje interno Sherlock-V2.0 (Juego de 2 piezas) (Mechanic)
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Solo quedan 4 unidades
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Solo quedan 3 unidades
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Desarmador-Mechanic-MAX8-Phillips-1.5-guatemala Desarmador Mechanic MAX8 Phillips 1.5
Solo quedan 5 unidades
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Solo queda 1 unidad
Entrega en 7 dias {# Product has the "backorder" tag, so hide the product level #}
Pasta limpiadora para punta de cautin (Mechanic)
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Entrega en 7 dias {# Product has the "backorder" tag, so hide the product level #}
Pegamento multiusos T7000 15ml (Mechanic)
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Entrega en 7 dias {# Product has the "backorder" tag, so hide the product level #}
Flux para soldadura sin plomo 20G SAC305 marca Mechanic
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Entrega en 7 dias {# Product has the "backorder" tag, so hide the product level #}
Alambre de soldar sin plomo 0.3mm (Mechanic)
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Entrega en 7 dias {# Product has the "backorder" tag, so hide the product level #}
Pasta para soldadura Mechanic V30-CS305 20G
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Entrega en 7 dias {# Product has the "backorder" tag, so hide the product level #} Precio Mayorista
Flux para soldadura 10CC /223 Marca Mechanic
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Entrega en 7 dias {# Product has the "backorder" tag, so hide the product level #}
Herramienta de diagnostico Mechanic T-824
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Entrega en 7 dias {# Product has the "backorder" tag, so hide the product level #}
Alambre Mechanic FXV009 -0.009MM*200M - para hacer puertes
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Entrega en 7 dias {# Product has the "backorder" tag, so hide the product level #} Precio Mayorista
Voltimetro y medidor de resistencia interna Sherlock-V2.0 (Mechanic) Voltimetro y medidor de resistencia interna Sherlock-V2.0 (Mechanic)
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Organizador de herramientas Mechanic
Solo quedan 2 unidades
Entrega en 7 dias {# Product has the "backorder" tag, so hide the product level #}
Cable Jumper de 0.01mm x 200m para reparar flex de huella en iPhone Marca Mechanic - FXS001 Cable Jumper de 0.01mm x 200m para reparar flex de huella en iPhone Marca Mechanic - FXS001
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Solo quedan 2 unidades
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Flux para reballing BGA Marca Mechanic 10CC
Solo quedan 5 unidades
Entrega en 7 dias {# Product has the "backorder" tag, so hide the product level #}
Encuentra la mejor máscara de soldadura UV amarilla de 10mL de la marca Mechanic en Guatemala, ideal para proteger tus ojos durante reparaciones de electrónica.
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Estaño-en-pasta-Mechanic-XGZ-40-de-35-g,-jeringa-guatemala Estaño en pasta Mechanic XGZ-40 de 35 g, jeringa
Solo quedan 3 unidades
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Pegamento multiusos B7000 15ml (Mechanic)
Solo quedan 3 unidades

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